15 Aralık 2017 Cuma

Bitcoin Virtual Currency Unit ..

It's too hard for to read and to write how is to describe BITCOIN..


Because Internet technological knowledge must be top level..


Algorithms, mixed calculations..

In fact, It does not matter to us, ‘’how is virtual money created?’’


If the banking system is helping and trading, the rest is not important at all ..

If you say to describe absolutely for to imagine our mind

There is a headquarters where the transactions are finalized,

There is a virtual currency paired with the mine,

There is a supply circulating in the market but unspecified,

This virtual currency is traded on the stock market in dollars,

Here it is rising up,

Here it goes down..

1 unit Bitcoin virtual money 2 years ago 100 dollars while today is 16 thousand dollars..

As of today, Bitcoin market value is approaching half a trillion dollars..

I think we have a little idea in our head..

Of course there are too many virtual currencies waiting in line..

Here are the most important of them:

Ethereum (ETH)

Ripple (XRP)


Dash (DASH)

Litecoin (LTC)

Now my personal comment:

Hey Friend! There is an estimated $ 3 trillion circulating globally (on computer screens) in the world..

The areas where this money will circulate are certain, stock exchanges, commodities, gold, treasures etc..

So much money at idle these harbors are no enough..

Neo-liberalism does not limit creativity..

Let's create a virtual currency through a software, I will set the unit value for $ 1, let it float on the market, go as far as it goes..

That's it..

So virtual money is officially virtual gambling..

The rule that applies to all areas of life is also valid in this virtual game..

What's that?

The last vagon jumpers on the train, burned what was burned..

Will the central banks such as FED (USA), ECM (EU) intervene in this structure in the coming years?

It's 100 percent, but power is enough in the world of the internet, unknown..

Researcher Writer Omer OZDAMAR

Bu yazı daha önce counter kisi tarafından okundu.

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